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ysladmin 2024-05-28
极限篮球_极限篮球游戏       感谢大家在这个极限篮球问题集合中的积极参与。我将用专业的态度回答每个问题,并尽量给出具体的例子和实践经验,以帮助大家理解和应用相关概念。1.极限篮球的比赛场地2.极限篮球的









       垫子铺满了整个内线区,整块垫子里面有四块颜色不一样的弹簧垫是灌篮与跳投区,中间连接的部份的垫子则称作为岛。  在垫子上可以不用运球。 注:弹簧垫下有摄影机监视比赛进行状况。


       Also known as American shock explosive dunks, the rise in Los Angeles, is a fusion of American football (or rugby), ice hockey, and basketball's new basketball.

       Limit basketball venue is obviously different from ordinary basketball court: no boundaries around it and replace it with the hockey venues around the same glass steel barrier; Secondly, both sides of the original basketball court in the restricted area and not the penalty area, but turned into two sponge spring bed. The remaining facilities are the same as the original basketball court, including two baskets and the third line.

       Time of game: a game of four sections, each five minutes, a total of 20 minutes.

       Score calculation: third line jumper account within two points, dunks and jump shots beyond the arc two-thirds in mind.

       Basic rules: No line of their site, it is therefore not out of bounds, said it was thrown out unless the ball outside the glass-steel barriers.

       In the sponge area, no walking limitations, can the ball hard in every spring bed and jump between the sponge. When the same team of two or more players stand in a hard foam mat even foul, offensive transferred to the other side. When the same team of two or more players simultaneously on the same bed even though a foul spring, transferred to other attacks. When two different teams of players on the same piece of spring bed, even if the attack hampered the defending side, from the offensive foul. Free throw, the offensive player (that is, foul players) from the sponge into the sponges areas outside the region, leaps in the sponge in the region after the original defensive side player (that foul players) for a total of an anti-dunk PK. And the attack time of 20 seconds, if beyond the 20 seconds, then transferred to the other attacks.

       In the sponge zone, there are walking limitations, but can also deliberately collide with each other, like hockey.

       Staffing: are divided into two teams, each team of four.


       因为三分线内弹簧垫的设置,每个人都可以跳跃灌篮。  因此灌篮变成极限篮球中常见的得分模式。  毕竟,与一般篮球比赛不同的是,极限篮球灌篮成功可以得3分。  这使得球员在灌篮的表现中更加的积极。


       蹦床篮球,也称极限灌篮(Slamball),起源于洛杉矶的一个简陋的小仓库中。由花式篮球爱好者马森·高登始创。 2000年的夏天,百无聊赖的马森从电视播放的极限运动中得到灵感,想要创造一种结合多种运动元素的篮球运动,于是他找到独立电视制作人迈克尔·唐林一同研究。经过两人长达6个月的研究和实验,这项饱含视觉冲击力的全新运动诞生了。


       如今,极限灌篮已经发展壮大到了6支球队100多名球员规模的联赛。去年,在CBS进行直播的时候,极限灌篮联盟还学起了NBA搞起了选秀,最终他们从100名报名者中选择了63名球员加入这个新兴的运动王国。 一场比赛分为四节


       时间总共二十分钟 两分:三分线内跳投

       三分:灌篮、三分线外投出三分球1.双人同岛:同一队里面有两位以上同时站在岛(中间的垫子)上,就算是犯规,要换手攻击。 2.双人同垫:同一队里面有两位以上同时站在同一块弹簧垫中,就算是犯规,要换手攻击。(此时就算是入球,也不算得分) 3.时间内未出手:20秒内没出手攻击成功,就要换手攻击。 罚球也和一般篮球不同,不是跳投而是一对一灌篮PK。

       比赛规则&场地条件: (1)比赛场地是一块94×55英尺的制式球场。 赛场两端各有四块大小相等的7×4英尺的蹦床,场边Plexigla由一种聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯制成的透明塑料保护。 (2)球员全场必须身着护具包括有填充物的头盔和护膝护肘。(3)双方8名球员,四名上场 (4)扣篮和三分球算3分,其他入球两分计算 (5)3次犯规或两次技术犯规,球员被罚离场 (6)没有带球撞人以及打手犯规 (7)蹦床内无走步犯规,在进入蹦床区之前,规矩和橄榄球的规矩差不多,就是没有规矩~ (8)防守方只能待持球方在蹦床区外带球时逼抢 (9)无3秒违例(10)安全垒(中间蹦床和篮下蹦床之间的区域)上不得同时有两个人 麻烦楼主给个分,谢谢
